Hamish Hawk at The Wedgewood Rooms
The Wedgewood Rooms, Portsmouth

For once we were blessed with a splendid summer evening and the hostelry's were busy in Southsea. The Wedgewood rooms played host to Edinburgh Showman Hamish Hawk and his band.

The crowd was perhaps smaller than deserved, yet it was incredibly energetic right from the get go. Hamish is such a dedicated old school conductor, he had the crowd hanging on the edge of every note. With each word hanging in the air to be digested by a willing entourage.

His stage presence is unique and entertaining, he could never be accused of lacking enthusiasm. There were a number of frellow Scots in the crowd to see a hometown favourite rock the south coast, clearly Hamish has a cult following of devoted fans.

Songs were performed from Hamish's two Albums, Angel Numbers -the title track from his latest LP - was a level raiser, with it's lyrical battle against life's decisions.

Some of his sounds harken back to iconic lyricists such as Morrissey, with sweeping ballads and intricate lyrics which immerse you into the minds of the characters in his songs. Money went down a treat a chance for some crowd input.

These gigs were organised with The National Lottery as The United By Music Tour, they have taken in many of the grass root Venues dotted around towns that work tirelessly to keep Live Music available to all of us.
Check out the store to purchase music by Hamish Hawk.